We curate for kinship
We invest an extraordinary amount of time and energy into selecting members for our community because our goal is to help like-minded people, from different backgrounds, find their tribe. We curate to ensure that members share certain core values, so that the moment you join RenCo, you feel like you belong. Curation is not exclusivity for exclusivity's sake, it is instead the most meaningful way we can provide members with a sense of kinship -- that the community is a reflection of their best and most aspirational selves. We spend our whole lives in search of our kindred -- curating our bookshelves, selecting our friends and partners. It's tough work, and in this way, RenCo's curation is a gift to its members: we are bringing you your people.
We build bridges for outsiders
So many brilliant people are gated from the most creative opportunities in technology because they aren’t yet in the right people networks. We believe in identifying and supporting untapped talent. We don’t just shuffle the deck of tech insiders with traditional pedigrees—we find talented generalists who could be exceptional operators. We believe ‘outsider’ perspectives are valuable and want to create the bridges to welcome outsiders ‘in.’
We intentionally blur the line between the social and professional
We believe frequent, high trust, joyful, and, above all, generous interactions are the foundation of relationships that are an asset for life -- as well as your career.
Our community is built on friendship. We build these through lightweight, low-stakes interactions, creating space for experiments, dinner conversations, and collaborative testing of ideas that aren’t fully formed.
We’re there for each other when someone needs a warm intro or help navigating work— but these things happen as a natural extension of getting to know and trust each other.